Say (O Prophet-SW), “If you love Allah-SWT , then follow me, ... indeed Allah-SWT doesn't love the non-believers.
.All the religions of the world profess that they do everything for the love of Allah-SWT , and in seeking Him-SWT . This claim has been common across religions, right from the People of the Book to the idolaters.
Love, Lover And The Beloved
Allah-SWT has laid down the proper way of attaining His-SWT love and loving Him-SWT . Love is a state, a strong sentiment for someone, which thrives in the heart, and so absorbs the lover in thoughts of the beloved that he cannot think of anything else but the beloved. The result is that the lover forfeits his own likes and dislikes in favour of those of his beloved. The zenith of love is that the lover goes beyond the desire for rewards and the fear of punishment. It is only natural that some expectations and apprehensions do accompany the passion of love, but it is free of temptations for personal gains and comforts. This love is for the person of the beloved. The attributive love is the one, which is developed after seeing a particular excellence in someone, and the basis of this is not personal. If that quality or excellence is not there, this form of love will not be there either.
It is, therefore, said that the one who seeks the world is a dog. The world is like carrion being mortal. The one who seeks the Paradise is a female, as he worships for it, and had it been possible to attain Paradise without worship, he would have certainly given up. But the one who seeks Allah-SWT is truly a man. The Holy Prophet-SW, who is to intercede for the Ummah, used to stand in worship before Allah-SWT for hours until his-SW feet were swollen. The tears would trickle down his-SW face, soaking his-SW beard and chest. He-SW was asked why he-SW worshipped so profoundly whereas the whole Ummah counts on his-SW intercession. He-SW replied: “Shouldn't I become a grateful servant of Allah-SWT ?” thereby implying that the real objective is Allah-SWT , and a dialogue with Him-SWT . The Holy Prophet-SW said that whoever is sincere in his claim of loving Allaah-SWT must prove it by acting in accordance with His-SWT Will. He must do what his Beloved approves; and the choice of the Beloved is the obedience to His-SWT Prophet-SW.
The Holy Prophet-SW declares: O People! If you seek Allah-SWT then follow me. And when you obey me Allah-SWT will love you. When Allah-SWT is making this commitment, it implies fulfilment in the distant future, that His-SWT beloveds will be looked after in every respect, and this is what Allah-SWT has promised to the dwellers of Paradise. He-SWT would bless them with His-SWT Mercy, His-SWT Pleasure and an eternal happiness, which would be a source of endless comfort for them. Allah-SWT is far too exalted to moan for someone like typical lovers. His-SWT love means that He-SWT would shower His-SWT Mercy upon His-SWT beloved people and shall forgive their mistakes, for He-SWT is the Forgiving, the Merciful.
In short, a rule has been laid down that whoever claims to love Allah-SWT , if he is steadfast in Sunnah and strives accordingly; he is certainly truthful in his claim. Allah-SWT shall forgive the mistakes he commits by virtue of being a human being. However, if the claimant does not bother about Sunnah, he certainly is a liar. The Divine Command is to obey Him-SWT and the Holy Prophet-SW, which is the only way of attaining Allah-SWT’s Pleasure. According to Hadith, whoever obeys the Holy Prophet-SW indeed obeys Allah-SWT , and whoever disobeys him-SW, indeed disobeys Allah-SWT.It is the Holy Prophet-SW who has distinguished the submissive from the rebellious. (Mazhari).
Fana Fi Rasul And Stations Of Suluk
Fana fi Rasul-SW is a state whereby one’s Spirit is present in the exalted court of the Holy Prophet-SW, while physically, every cell of his body is striving to obey him-SW. It is indeed the only gateway to Fana fi Allah-SWT and Baqa bi Allah-SWT.If someone succeeds in attaining the latter, he has learnt just the alphabets of Suluk; that is, Allah-SWT has given him the capacity to become a traveller on the Divine Path. Now if he moves forward with manly courage, and gets associated with a man of Allah-SWT and a master of Tasawwuf and Suluk, he should endeavour to attain the heights, in which there is no concept of place and space, leaving his foot prints in both ‘Alam-e-Khalq and ‘Alam-e-Amr, testifying that a devotee has gone past.
The truthfulness of Prophethood of the Holy Prophet-SW stands fully substantiated with most logical and recorded arguments and also with most overpowering miracles and manifested evidence. Yet if someone raises objections and refrains from obeying the Holy Prophet-SW, Allah-SWT does not like such ingrates.
It has become absolutely clear that Allah-SWT’s love is reserved for the believers only, and a believer is the one who is a devotee of the Holy Prophet-SW. It must, however, be taken a careful note of that some simpletons, in their misplaced enthusiasm, invent undesired practices indulging in Bid’ah and thus degrade themselves in the eyes of the Holy Prophet-SW. Remember that his-SW court is so sacred that love itself is bound by strict discipline. For expressing love here, the method approved by the beloved will have to be adopted. An invented method will rather be a source of annoyance.
There in nothing strange in Allah-SWT’s Pleasure being conditional to Holy Prophet-SW’s obedience. It is only a Prophet who conveys the Message of Allah-SWT to mankind and informs them of His-SWT likes and dislikes. Moreover, a Prophet does everything in accordance with the Divine Command as proven by the historical accounts of religions.
Allah-SWT did choose Aadam-AS ... and Allah-SWT is Hearing, Knowing.
Allah-SWT chose Aadam-AS and honoured him-AS with Prophethood, and his-AS obedience was ordained as Allah-SWT’s obedience. Similarly He-SWT conferred Prophethood upon Nuh-AS, Ibrahim-AS, and his-AS children, Isma’il-AS, Ishaq-AS, Ya’qub-AS and the Prophets-AS of Bani Israil, and the descendents of' Imran i.e. ‘Isa-AS, and lastly upon the Holy Prophet-SW. The author of Tafsir-e-Mazhari writes that ‘Imran was the son of Mathan, a descendant of Prophet Sulaiman-AS and the honourable father of Maryam-AS.
This Ayah reveals the events leading to the birth of Hadhrat Maryam-AS, followed by a detailed account of Prophet ‘Isa-AS’s life from birth to his-AS ascension to the heavens. The purpose is to avert future misunderstandings and also to prevent the Christians from propagating their false beliefs. Besides, after the Holy Prophet-SW no new Prophet shall ever be raised and Prophet ‘Isa-AS shall descend from the heavens. These detailed accounts have been revealed to inform the last Ummah, so that they are not misled by impostors like Mirza Qadiyani, nor deny Prophet Isa-AS’s descent nor encounter any difficulty in recognizing him-AS on his-AS return to this world.
These Prophet-AS were given superiority over the entire universe. The angels were commanded to do Sajdah before Prophet Aadam-AS while his-AS enemy Satan was doomed. Similarly the enemies of Prophet Nuh-AS also perished. Prophet Ibrahim-AS had to migrate from his-AS homeland but was later blessed with victory. All the Prophets-AS experienced similar situations. Either their enemies were destroyed by Divine Punishment like Prophet Nuh-AS’s folk, the nations of Prophet Hud-AS, A’ad and Thamud, or the Prophets-AS had to migrate from their homelands only to return as victorious to their countries after some time, such as Prophet Ibrahim-AS. This, in other words, is an indication that the Holy Prophet-SW too, shall be given victory. Allah-SWT is Aware of what people say and it is indeed absurd for the non-believers to object to His-SWT Choice. Since He-SWT knows everything, He-SWT assigns tasks to His-SWT people according to their capacity. Here onwards is the detailed account of Prophet ‘Isa-AS.
When the wife of 'Imran said.. Allah-SWT grants subsistence... without measure. "
Prophet ‘Isa-AS’s grandmother and the wife of ‘Imran vowed to dedicate the baby she expected to the service of Allah-SWT . According to commentators she had become old and was issueless. One day as she saw a bird feeding her little one, she sorrowfully prayed for a child. When she conceived, she dedicated her expected baby to the service of Allah-SWT , and vowed to keep the child away from the temporal encumbrances. To make such a dedication was permissible in that Ummah. She begged Allah-SWT to accept her offering. However, when she delivered a baby girl she got worried thinking how a girl would serve the intended purpose, because a boy is stronger and free of the physical limitations typical to girls. But Allah-SWT said that He-SWT knew what has been born as He-SWT Himself is the Creator. Had a boy been born he would not have been blessed with such honour as this girl, for she was to give birth to an exalted Prophet-AS and that too in a manner as to demonstrate Divine Power to mankind.
She named her Maryam-AS, meaning a worshipper, and hoped that Maryam would be blessed with special Mercy since her father had died during the pregnancy. She was born an orphan and her mother entrusted Maryam-AS and her progeny to Allah-SWT , for protection against Satan.
Effect Of The Prayer Of A Saintly Lady
According to Hadith, every child is touched by Satan at birth, but Maryam-AS and her son enjoyed Divine Protection as a result of the prayer of a saintly lady. Allah-SWT had honoured Maryam-AS right from her birth and had brought her up in a most respectable manner. Food was provided to her directly by Almighty and Prophet Zakariyya-AS was appointed as her guardian. He-AS brought her to Bait al Maqdas and everyone wished to adopt her. But Prophet Zakariyya-AS suggested that since his-AS wife was Maryam-AS’s maternal aunt, it was more appropriate if she was given under his-AS custody. But no one agreed and lots were drawn which was won by Prophet Zakariyya-AS. He-AS allotted her a room and Allah-SWT provided her so well that she did not even need a wet nurse and was soon strong enough to be physically on her own. She got her food directly by a Divine arrangement.
Maryam-AS’s Karamah
Whenever Prophet Zakariyya-AS went out, he-AS would lock her room. Upon return he-AS would find all kinds of fruits irrespective of the season, in abundance. He-AS asked where these came from? She replied that these were from Allah-SWT ! According to Ibn-e-'Abbas, her provisions came from Paradise. Allah-SWT provides boundless subsistence to whoever He-SWT pleases. He-SWT may bless out of His-SWT Mercy and Generosity anyone without apparent reasons Seasons or resources neither bind him. Here the manifestation of Karamah by honourable Maryam-AS, is amply proved.
At that time Zakariya prayed. . . hymn His-SWT Praise by evening and morning. "
When Prophet Zakariyya-AS witnessed such demonstration of an overflowing Divine Mercy, he-AS could not resist putting forth his-AS own request. He-AS was issueless and had grown very old. He-AS cried out: ‘O Allah-SWT ! Bless me with a pious and noble child as You-SWT certainly answer the prayers.’ It is a practice of the righteous to pray for noble offspring. For Prophet Zakariyya-AS his generation was coming to an end and there was no one to inherit the legacy of Prophethood and its knowledge. Furthermore there was a lurking danger of people going astray.
So strongly was he-AS moved after witnessing the off-season fruits in the locked room of Maryam-AS, that he-AS bolted himself in his-AS room and begged Allah-SWT for a pious offspring. He-AS was still praying in the sanctuary when the angels called out. It was Jibril-AS, the Archangel, generally accompanied by a group of angels. That is why the Ayah says, “When the angels called to him-AS”. He-AS was given the glad tidings of the birth of Prophet Yahya-AS (John) who would verify and reaffirm Kalimah-tu Allah-SWT i.e. Prophet ‘Isa-AS. Since Prophet ‘Isa-AS was born without a father purely by Allah-SWT’s Command he-AS is referred to as Kali-ma-tu Allah-SWT (Allah-SWT ’s Word) and indeed Prophet Yahya-AS was the first to verify Prophet ‘Isa-AS‘s miraculous birth.
Who Is Syed?
Syed here refers to a leader in terms of knowledge, worship and all aspects of virtue. This is why members of the household of the Holy Prophet-SW are termed as Syed. But those who now have neglected the teachings of the Holy Prophet-SW and fail to obey him-SW do not deserve to be taken as Syed. The saying of the Holy Prophet-SW: “I am the leader of the children of Aadam-AS” is very much there but the relationship will be established by obedience.
Effect Of Intimacy With A Woman
Prophet Yahya-AS besides Syedan (leader) is also called here Hasuran (chaste), the one who shall abstain from women. It is strange that although marriage is a Sunnah of Allah-SWT’s Messengers-AS, yet here abstaining from it is mentioned as a cause of excellence.
The fact is that he-AS was so overpowered by Allah-SWT’s love that he-AS did not pay any attention to these things. Whereas the Hadith encourages marriage it also adds, “those who have the ability to do so”. If someone is like Prophet Yahya-AS, it is better not to marry. It is a proven fact that intimacy with a woman, though legitimised by marriage, absorbs the entire attention causing a momentary pause even for a seeker of Suluk, which no other activity in the world can do.
To willingly abstain from lustful and permissible desires is a sign of great excellence. Some commentators misunderstood that Prophet Yahya-AS was impotent by birth, because in that case abstaining from women is no marvel. A Prophet-AS can never be impotent, rather the Prophets-AS have much more potency as compared to ordinary people, while he-AS was not only a Prophet-AS himself but also a descendant of the Prophets-AS.
Prophet Zakariyya-AS, upon hearing the glad tiding, implored: “O Allah-SWT how can I have a son? I have grown old and my wife is not only old but also infertile”. By virtue of being a human he-AS had raised this question, because sometimes human nature does dominate knowledge and reason; just as Prophet Musa-AS inspite of his-AS promise, could not help objecting to the actions of Hadhrat Khidhar. Prophet Zakariyya-AS was told that Allah-SWT is all-Powerful and inspite of his-AS old age and the infertility of his-AS wife, a son will be born to them. So he-AS pleaded for some indication in order that he-AS may show his-AS gratitude to Allah-SWT . He-AS was told that as soon as the conception takes place he-AS would, in spite of Allah-SWT’s Zikr, not be able to talk to people for three days, except communicating through sign language. When these indications are to appear, he-AS must get engaged in Allah-SWT’s Zikr and His-SWT Glorification, round the clock. Prophet Zakariyya-AS had aimed at showing gratitude to Allah-SWT , and was so fortunate that Allah-SWT prescribed constant Zikr for him-AS, while disabling him-AS to make any interruption by any other form of speech. It must be remembered that conversation affects the heart even if the topic is good.
Effects Of Conversation
If the topic of conservation itself is not good, the result is obvious. But even if the topic is of virtue, the conversation will naturally be addressed to a human being and the negativity of his nature will certainly influence the speaker, just as the clothes of a sweeper are bound to be soiled. Although this does not affect the attainment of higher stations by a seeker, as inviting others to piety is a meritorious deed and accelerates spiritual elevation, yet it certainly affects the spiritual observation. That is why those who go in seclusion have much more spiritual observations as compared to the preachers who rarely have any, though they do enjoy access to higher spiritual levels. The above does not pertain to the altogether ignorant of Suluk, but to the men of Allah-SWT . It is obligatory to constantly remember and thank Him-SWT for every blessing.